Charli XCX has once again delivered a fashion moment that’s as bold as it is provocative. At the 2024 Variety Hitmaker’s Brunch on December 7, the 32-year-old musician accepted her Hitmaker of the Year award in a sheer Saint Laurent halter gown that left little to the imagination. With a sheer skirt and bust, Charli’s daring ensemble not only showcased her confidence but also served as a statement piece in the ongoing conversation around fashion, gender, and societal expectations.
A Modern Take on “Brat” Fashion
While Charli XCX didn’t don the iconic “brat green” hue that became synonymous with her “club rat” persona earlier this year, the look was just as much of a rebellion. For the unacquainted, “brat green”—a bold neon or lime green—gained fame after Charli released her album this summer. The album’s cover, featuring the word “brat” in lowercase letters over a flat green background, turned the color into a fashion shorthand for signaling a rebellious attitude.
However, Charli’s choice for the Hitmaker’s Brunch was a tan (or possibly olive-toned) sheer gown, a far cry from the neon green she’s known for. Still, it was unmistakably “brat” in its unapologetic nature.
In a conversation with Vogue Singapore earlier this year, Charli explained her choice of brat green as a deliberate challenge to societal norms. “I wanted to go with an offensive, off-trend shade of green to trigger the idea of something being wrong,” she explained. “I’d like for us to question our expectations of pop culture—why are some things considered good and acceptable, and some things deemed bad? I’m interested in the narratives behind that and I want to provoke people. I’m not doing things to be nice.”
Sheer Provocation
Charli’s sheer gown brought all the provocations of her brat persona to life, much like Bella Hadid’s controversial sheer dress at Cannes in May. Both dresses pushed the boundaries of what’s considered acceptable in mainstream fashion. Hadid’s brown sheer midi dress sparked a media storm, much like the backlash Florence Pugh faced for wearing a hot-pink see-through Valentino gown in 2022. These reactions are often steeped in misogyny, as women in sheer dresses face criticism for “freeing the nipple,” while male celebrities like Harry Styles or Timothée Chalamet receive little to no scrutiny for similar sartorial risks.
Charli’s understated styling choices—muted colors, a classic silhouette, minimalist makeup, and burgundy nails—seemed designed to highlight the sheer gown’s boldness without overshadowing it. It’s almost as if Charli wanted the audience to focus on the bigger picture: why does a visible nipple provoke such strong reactions in the first place? It’s a question wrapped in a “brat” attitude, meant to challenge the double standards of fashion and body politics.
Provoking Conversation
While Charli XCX’s dress was certainly a fashion risk, it also sparked an important conversation about gender, nudity, and societal norms. In a world where women’s fashion is still heavily policed, Charli’s look serves as a reminder that fashion can be a form of activism. By choosing to embrace her body and wear something daring, she questions why such a look is considered scandalous, while at the same time inviting us to think about who gets to define what’s “acceptable” or “appropriate.”
In true brat fashion, Charli XCX’s outfit was more than just a statement—it was a challenge. A challenge to fashion norms, to gender expectations, and to the endless scrutiny of women in the public eye. And, just like her music, she’s not doing it to be nice.
Charli XCX’s appearance at the Variety Hitmaker’s Brunch was as much a fashion moment as it was a social commentary. Her sheer Saint Laurent gown—paired with understated styling—was a masterclass in how to provoke thought while looking effortlessly chic. Whether or not you agree with her approach, there’s no denying that Charli’s brat-inspired look sparked exactly the kind of reaction she hoped for: questioning, conversation, and a bit of controversy.
Cover Photo: Gilbert Flores / Getty Images